
Is the earth round or flat biblical
Is the earth round or flat biblical

is the earth round or flat biblical is the earth round or flat biblical

Most of you have seen your Curmudgeon’s post titled The Earth Is Flat! We go through the whole bible, old and new testaments, and all the passages that reveal the shape of the world unanimously say that it’s flat. Yet here he is, flagrantly preaching against the flat Earth. He’s always telling us the bible is true, you can depend on the bible, only a hell-bound fool would deny what’s in the bible, etc. That’s an incredible paragraph coming from a holy-moley creationist like ol’ Hambo. This all may sound like some sort of joke, but the proponents of a flat earth are very serious, and sadly we’ve heard many testimonies of how a “conversion” to believing in a flat earth has even destroyed families, churches, and people’s Christian witness (they go from proclaiming Christ and him crucified to proclaiming a flat earth instead!). His post is titled Is This Christian Astronaut Lying to You? Here are some excerpts, with bold font added by us for emphasis, and occasional Curmudgeonly interjections that look :ĭo people actually believe in a flat earth? Yes, there are people today - including a number of Christians - who actually do believe in a flat earth. We were shocked - shocked! - by what seems to be outrageous blasphemy at the blog of Ken Ham (ol’ Hambo) - the ayatollah of Appalachia, the world’s holiest man who knows more about religion and science than everyone else.

Is the earth round or flat biblical